What is Awards Software Anyways? [SlideShare]
It’s no secret that we here at OpenWater think awards software is a great tool that can benefit awards programs in lots of different ways. After all, managing a successful awards program is a big deal.
Organizations running awards programs know there’s a lot that goes into getting your program ready. You’ve got to track and mange submissions, train and monitor judging, plan the awards gala, and so much more! In the flurry of prepping their program many organizations are looking for a solution to help them manage and streamline the awards process.
And for many awards software is the answer. Awards software can help reduce or eliminate a lot of the day-to-day hassles awards programs face. But what exactly is awards software and how can it benefit your program? Check out the slideshare below to learn a little bit more about it!
If you’d like to learn a little more about how awards software works and how it can help your awards program, feel free to check out this guide or fill out this form to talk to someone here at OpenWater!
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