4 Common Mistakes Awards Programs Make [SlideShare]
If there’s one thing we can be pretty sure of it’s that no awards manager goes into a new awards cycle thinking “Hmm, let’s see how many mistakes I can get away with this time around.”
No one makes mistakes, like forgetting to include ad costs in their budget, on purpose. However, because of all the work and effort that go into getting a program up and running, mistakes are bound to happen.
Luckily a lot of little mishaps aren’t going to have a big impact on the overall process of your program. But there are a few big mistakes that can end up derailing your awards program, causing added headaches and difficulties.
What are these blunders and how can you avoid them? That’s exactly what this slideshare aims to address. Take a look to learn more!
What mistakes have you learned from and how have you avoided them in future awards cycles? Let us know in the comments!
Download our guide to learn more about the seven deadly sins of awards programs.