How Do Awards Programs Utilize the Cloud
For some businesses, saying goodbye to the days of pen and paper processes or building your own software can be difficult, but it’s necessary. Cloud-based solutions allow for easy access, synchronization of processes, and enhanced sharing that streamlines businesses and maximizes scalability and profitability.
But, profitability isn’t all that cloud-based solutions are good for. Moving different processes to the cloud is about convenience as it can save your organization money, time, and countless headaches.
Now, businesses are increasingly turning to the cloud for their awards programs as well. But how and why is this being done? Here at OpenWater, we’re glad that you asked.
Get More Entries
Not all awards programs are created equal, especially when it comes to seamless integration and execution. And how you organize your program can say a lot about your association, your goals, and your values.
So, what can the cloud do for you when it comes to getting more entries? Try a smoother submission process, the ability to handle a deadline entry surge, as well as the ability to simplify processes for users who wish to promote their work.
Reducing Costs
When you use outdated methods, both paper and costs will stack up. When you’re ready to cut things down, the cloud is there for you.
As a matter of fact, using the cloud means that there is no need to pay for mailing or storage. Of course, taking advantage of cloud-based solutions also creates an on-demand infrastructure, meaning there is no need for software or servers. This makes it simpler and more affordable to put forth an awards program that your organization can be proud of.
Ensures the Best Practices are Being Used
It’s difficult to improve upon a process if you are struggling to keep on the influx of papers and binders. There is no time to reflect on past issues.
In the cloud, you have ready access to all of your data. This means it is easy to find bottlenecks both during your program and after it ends. As cloud software is used by many organizations, lessons from one program can be applied to others, meaning that novel attempts at improvements can be bettered as communities of users collaborate on ways to enhance innovations.
Integration with Other Systems
The best part about cloud-based awards programs is the ability to integrate with other cloud software, streamlining and simplifying all processes. This means that whether you’re marketing with email blasts or need to export data to AMSs or CRMs such as iMIS or Salesforce, you can do it all easier than ever before.
Are you doing everything you can to present your awards program the right way? We’d love to hear from you about your successes, struggles, and improvements!
If your organization hasn’t yet realized the full potential of cloud-based solutions, download our FREE white paper to see how our awards software can benefit your business!