The OpenWater Blog


New Dashboard and Analytics

Published September 3, 2014 in Leadership

We recently launched a new home screen/dashboard view for our awards platform.  Awards admins who logged in before would have seen something like this:

The home screen listed out all active programs with a set of numbers indicating I (incomplete) P (pending approval) or C (complete).  This screen was useful once an awards admin got to know the system, but it would not provide a lot of insight throughout a program.

With the new awards dashboard, we hoped to give admins a way of answering questions before they were asked.  We also wanted to give it a cleaner and modern look to match many of the backend updates we have made.

The Menu

The menu is nearly identical other than the new look.  We renamed “Settings” to “System Settings” to avoid confusion with some of the awards program-specific menus.

Access to The Community and Updates

At the top of the dashboard is a listing of recent features and system announcements.  We also made it easy to access the forum and make feature suggestions.

Submissions Overview

The new dashboard presents a quick glance as to how submissions are coming along.  There is now one-click access to changing the deadline and a reminder as to what the timezone the system is set for.

Judging Overview

The judge dashboard provides a new perspective on the review phase. Now, at a glance, you can see how many submissions are pending judgment and how many judges still need to take action.

Finance Snapshot

At a glance, you can take a look at all revenue collected in the last 6 months and compare programs to each other.

This dashboard is the first iteration of simple analytics and insights that we want to share throughout the system.  The new dashboard has been out just for a few days, and many of you have already commented about how you missed the old view.

Going forward we’ll introduce major interface changes via email and this blog in advance.  We are also actively reaching out to clients who have expressed concerns.  Perhaps with a few quick tweaks, this dashboard can satisfy the long time customers as well as those brand new to the system.

Leave your feedback in the comments section below, or feel free to send a message to the support team.

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Kunal Johar

Kunal Johar is the OpenWater platform evangelist. He currently manages our development teams and enjoys diving into the fray. Find him in our community chat room.

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